Blog Posts

September Blog 2024

I am really happy to be at St Mark’s as a part time curate. Many of you already know me. I was ordained Deacon at the end of June this summer. I am officially a part-time self-supporting assistant curate. The picture above is of my stole, red is for Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came. […]

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August Blog 2024

Some of you will have heard me preach at the 9 am and Café Church on Jesus’ invitation in Mark Ch. 6. V. 30-34 to ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while’. I talked about the need to rest in order to serve, and finished by quoting Matthew 11. […]

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July Blog 2024

I first heard The Prayer of St Patrick with the Light Project – a place to learn and study theology and community evangelism. We would read this prayer together as a reminder of the promise that Jesus is with us. He has already gone ahead of us guiding us, He has stayed where we have […]

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June Blog 2024

Dear St Mark’s, I’d like to start my blog this month by saying a huge thank you to all of you. Whether you have joined our growing team, financially contribute to our work, pray for us, or any number of other ways that you support the young people and other work we carry out at […]

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May Blog 2024

A good question! You probably recognise this as part of a campaign to try to make people more aware of how much it costs when we don’t turn up to doctors or hospital appointments. I was recently in a meeting where Petra (P.A. to Hennie) was quoting Pastor Agu. Pastor Agu is the pastor of […]

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April Blog 2024

April blog After 23 years I still see myself as a ‘new’ Christian and probably always will. I’m asked what my favourite Bible verses are. I struggle as I can’t remember them with all their references but I do enjoy the daily discipline of reading some verses and some application of them. I was not […]

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March Blog 2024

March Blog from Hennie as she prepares to go on 3 month sabbatical This verse above was shared by 3 people when the PCC/Leadership/Staff team met to pray on the morning of Saturday 20th January specifically for the church’s financial situation, for the sale of Capeland Close, the Faith Building Project, and the bid for […]

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February Blog 2024

  St Mark’s Children’s Leaders  Our prayer for St Mark’s Church is to have a team of people who are passionate about seeing our children have the chance to encounter and meet God. To know Jesus as their best friend and for them to know the Holy Spirit is with them every day, guiding and helping […]

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