Life Groups

Life Groups at St Mark's

If you are interested in belonging to a Life Group please let me know. You can email me [email protected]

We recommend Life Groups because of the benefits they bring us! At St Mark's they tend to be the first port of call for Pastoral Care and they are great way of getting to know people and make friends.

We are committed to promoting Life Groups because we believe that they are an important part of our discipleship as we learn so much through meeting with others.

Our groups meet at a home or in the church usually - on various nights or afternoons during the week. Times do vary so please be in touch for more details.

Groups are open to all.

Sometimes people gather for prayer and bible study but sometimes they meet to help the church or the community in practical ways. In one group one of them was in a Pantomime and people went to see him in it! One group did a litter pick recently or joined in taking part in a community choir just for Christmas. We encourage each group to perhaps help in special circumstances - if someone is poorly - getting some shopping for them or cooking a meal if a new baby has arrived!

We want people to enjoy being in a group - so be creative and have fun!!

Rev. Liz Mills

life groups image
To find out more
10 reasons to belong
3 people